Assembly Language Program To Read A String And Display


In assembly language we must have a mechanism to call the operating system to carry out I/O. In addition we must be able to tell the operating system what kind of I/O operation we wish to carry out, e.g. To read a character from the keyboard, to display a character or string on the screen or to do disk I/O. Read a string from user input. If the string is 'quit' or 'exit' (case insensitive), exit the program. If the string is empty, go to step 1. Call Subprogram 1 to reverse the words in the string, passing the following two parameters to the subprogram via the stack. (1) The start address of the string. (2) The start address where the string with.

Assembly Language Program To Read A String And Display The Date

Of our program MASM assembles our.asm file into a.obj file – unlinked, Intel32 binary code All the.obj files are linked to create an executable – a.exe file The.exe file is loaded into main memory, addresses are resolved, and the program is executed Assembly & Execution. Global Program Structure There are three sections to an assembly language program:.STACK - program scratch pad.DATA - All programs have variables and constants.CODE - the machine instructions for the program; The.CODE segment is divided into PROCedures delimited by the PROC/ENDP pair. They are similar to the functions in C/C. I already have had a function which has two inputs string and stringlength named writeStr that will display on screen the string, here is the code. WriteStr: push ebp mov ebp,esp mov edx,ebp+8 mov ecx,ebp+12 mov ebx,1 mov eax,4 int 80h leave ret.

Assembly Language Program To Read A String And Display The Image

.model small
message db 'My First Assembly Language Program$'
main proc
mov ax, seg Message
;moves the SEGMENT that 'Message' is in into AX
;equivalent to MOV ax,@data
mov ds,ax
;moves ax into ds (ds=ax)
;you can not do this ->mov ds, seg Message
mov dx,offset Message
;moves the OFFSET of 'Message' into DX
;equivalent to LEA dx,Message
mov ah,9
;function 9 of DOS interrupt 21h prints a string
int 21h
;terminates with a '$'
mov ax,4c00h
;returns control to DOS
int 21h
;must be here! If not, Program will crash!
main endp
end main